Joined: Feb 2019
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What is the basic difference between Adchoices and Adsesne? I heard these two terms a lot. I know that Adsense is from Google. But when I search I see a lot of mentioning of Adchoices too. Is this the new name for Adsense or used by Adsesne for any special cases?
Joined: Mar 2019
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To my understanding.
AdChoice is a self-regulatory program practiced by advertisers represented by a small triangle icon marked ad choices placed on their ads or web pages. Once you click the icon, it leads to a pop-up where you have the control over the ads that are being shown based on your line of interests. Adchoice is regulated by other advertisers and has directly to do with controlling which type of ads you want to appear.
Joined: Feb 2019
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Are there eCPM rates different?