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Ready made websites for sale are no more
Why people don't buy ready made websites? I mean now-a-days everything is automated and every product come as ready to use then why not websites?
Because they are more or less impossible to rank.
(03-11-2019, 07:37 AM)avinash Wrote: Because they are more or less impossible to rank.

Exactly correct.

And even if you did buy them and get ranked then still you will need to do some customization.
It had worked but that's 10 years from now. Now-a-days its impossible. Google want unique content (atleast unique presentation). And if you buy a site then its definitely not going to be unqiue.
(03-11-2019, 07:36 AM)lipulili Wrote: Why people don't buy ready made websites? I mean now-a-days everything is automated and every product come as ready to use then why not websites?

Why are you asking? Are you trying buy ready to go sites?
If good quality sites are available. Then why not? Can you guys tell me where to find them?
(03-15-2019, 05:46 AM)lipulili Wrote: If good quality sites are available. Then why not? Can you guys tell me where to find them?

If you are looking for only link building purposes then why buy them. They can be very hard to maintain.

Anyway, look into the BHW marketplace. Its great place to start looking.

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