mrb.frequency Wrote:I have a twitter profile for my blog. There are some followers (only 9). I want to increase my facebook likes to increase the visibility of my blog updates. How can i do that ?? Help me.
Twitter followers are more easy to get then facebook likes in my opinion. There are several ways to get twitter followers which are used my the webmasters but i am going to say the way of mine.
There is a saying in twitter that you follow my profile and i will follow yours. I use this principle to get followers to my profile. There are some steps which you have to follow.
i) I find twitter profile of other blogs in my niche or my related niche.
ii) After finding the profiles i go to their each followers page and start following each and every follower of them.
iii) As, i have followed them as much as i can, it is for sure that some or most will also follow me back.
Give it a time such as 24 hours and you for your own will see the change.
Now, here is the fact that as everyone knows about the 'follow back' principle of twitter. So webmasters and also the search engines can think that you are getting followers by no-real way if they see inconsistent number between your followers and following. I am not saying that the number has to be exactly equal but it has to be close to each other say a difference of hundred.
In order to keep the number of your followers and following real, you have to remove (unfollow) the profile which you have already liked them but they are not following you back. This can be easily done by Tweepdash. Go to and sign in using your twitter profile, its free to use. As you will sign in, you will see three columns celebs, fans and friends. Remove the profile (unfollow them) from the celebs panel by simply clicking on the red cross.