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Some people just want managed services so they can buy them and forget about all things about hosting. This is the kind of host which will be their dream. Simply you buy then you forget about any kind of worries about hosting. They provide a variety of services such as managed LMS and other things. They specifically provide managed services for wordpress, online communities etc. They are a solid 9 out of 10 service provider.
Excellent host. Nothing beats. I moved our main site which is btw on wordpress from Siteground. And I can clearly say that I have no regrets and top of that their performance and support is way better than SG.
They look very attractive from my point of view.
How long do you use this host?
(Yesterday, 11:17 AM)IgnaciaSilverman Wrote: How long do you use this host?

Not me. My client. It's been a year.

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