limbo That doesn't look very different from each other mate.
Anyway, from what I have understood.
Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transferred by a server within a specific time frame. However, it's important to note that unmetered hosting does not mean that you can have unlimited traffic on your website. Your traffic is limited by time and throughput, even if the data transfer itself is unlimited.
When a hosting company offers unmetered bandwidth, they are offering a fixed amount of bandwidth, such as 1Gbps, which you can use without any additional charges. However, your maximum server speed is limited, even though the data transfer is unlimited.
On the other hand, with metered bandwidth, the hosting company monitors the amount of data that you use and charges you according to the amount you use per month. This means that the more visitors you have, the more you will be charged.
With unmetered hosting, the host does not monitor your usage. This means that you can transfer an unlimited amount of data, but at a limited speed. In this case, you are not charged for the data you use, but you are charged a flat rate that is predictable.
I hope it makes sense to OP.