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Article length for Forum Posting
What is the general length of an article should be if I posting an article in the forums of my niche? In order to do forum marketing effectively.
As just like blog post's length. There is no maximum or minimum limit. As long as it serves its purpose, its good.
I think there are no any rule, but if you have 400 words in an article, then you can say it is ideal.
The long and short post setting determine how forum posts on the site front page
There is no maximum or minimum limit for forum postings.
When it comes to posting in forum site it is important that your content is new and interesting in which will trigger great discussions for the members.
About 300-400 words in minimum is okay
There is no maximum and minimum length for Forum Posting.
Yes there is no fixed limit for forums, but it should be at least 350 to 400.

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