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We have a tech blog which is 3 years old. Back then when we started it. It was getting 400-500 visitors per day. We have published new content since then but haven't much cared about the traffic. Now the blog is getting almost 100 visitors per day. What can we do to recover the lost traffic?
The blog has almost 6k backlinks referring from almost 90 domains.
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Its absolutely abnormal. 6k backlinks from only 90 domains.
You should feel great that atleast you have 100 visitors per day.
I bet that your link profile consists of many automated links.
The thing you should ask yourself that you have lost traffic but have you lost your revenue??!! And are you sure that the traffic you were getting back then was all targeted?? How is the traffic now.
Loosing automated traffic isn't a problem. Loosing real traffic is.
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You are telling us that you have added content. But adding content isn't enough.
The content has to be good and also needed in your niche.
Anybody can write about anything but that doesn't mean that someone has to read it.
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Don't forget that in 3 years, Google released so many algorithm updates(minor/majors)
So it affected each and every one. Without doing off page activities, you can't recover the traffic. Focus on branding so that you can find more domains who refer you just like the '90s are doing.
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hello frank,
how could i know how much back link required for my website??
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(06-19-2020, 04:47 AM)Urmila785 Wrote: hello frank,
how could i know how much back link required for my website??
Share some more information please.
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Try to find the cause behind it, make a deep analysis and find the reasons why you lost the traffic.
Either it is due to google algorithm update, or the less quality of content or any other aspects!!
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Update your SEO skill. Because If you do proper SEO for your blog then you will get much traffic as you want.
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To get organic traffic, you can post quality content and share it social media sites. You can upload video on YouTube and make a relevant and quality backlinks for your website.
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(06-21-2020, 04:44 AM)RosieYingling Wrote: Hi
Update your SEO skill. Because If you do proper SEO for your blog then you will get much traffic as you want.
(06-24-2020, 06:56 PM)websiteee Wrote: To get organic traffic, you can post quality content and share it social media sites. You can upload video on YouTube and make a relevant and quality backlinks for your website.
Stop producing automated replies.
Urmila785 Why don't you create a separate thread about this with all the detailed information!!