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What are SEO Mistakes have others do? - Printable Version

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Re: What are SEO Mistakes have others do? - davidsmith21 - 08-08-2018

6 SEO Mistakes You Need to Stop Immediately
1. Not Researching and Optimizing for Keywords.
Determining your focus keywords should be the first step in creating your SEO strategy. Although it may seem pretty straightforward, many marketers and brands still struggle with it.
2. Not Having a Fast Site Load Speed:
If you haven’t been following the news about ranking factors, you may not be aware of the need for speed. Google has stated multiple times that “site load speed” is one of the major factors they consider for ranking. Moreover, starting in July, it will become a ranking factor in mobile searches.
3. Not Considering Optimization for Mobile:
Although a common mistake, brands pay dearly for not considering optimization for mobile and handheld devices. Google has introduced mobile-first indexing which is on its way to becoming a dominant part of the Google search algorithm. So if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you should definitely consider optimizing it for mobile.
4. Not Migrating To HTTPS:In the modern digital age, we no longer just browse the internet, we practically live there
5. Not Using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP):
6. Using Duplicate Content.

Re: What are SEO Mistakes have others do? - marrysmith151 - 08-28-2018

This thread is very informative. It has really very useful information, thanks for sharing it with us, it will help us to avoid mistakes in future.