That's because I have eyes. Although it's very old thread but still I will reply to you.
If you have knowledge in any field. Then while reading any article in that field will you or will you be not able to say whether that the article is of quality or not?!

Giving good anchor text from low quality posts only increases the chances of getting flagged.
if the intent matches to the link
Low-quality links are usually those that are either: Irrelevant in helping the search engines determine your site's authority on a subject. Or actually harmful.
It is better to avoid low quality back links for website.
Low-quality backlinks will not be that much helpful, hence when you are researching the links you have to take care of the link quality.
Obviously, if the blog post is relevant meaning, it is related to your niche then it will add some importance to the backlink.
Top of all if you are approaching good quality and relevant backlinks then it will be more valuable.
The relevency always matters no matter if it is of low quality, but make sure it has not high spam score otherwise if you find and do relevent link building it will surely pay you back.
Backlinks help visitors find your site, but you need to be picky about who’s sending traffic to you. Google uses inbound links as one of the determining factors in search engine rankings. Search engines once considered the volume of inbound links as a sign of a website’s value, but as link spam became more common, Google took action to protect its user experience.
It is always better to provide what is needed as user intent has been one of the many ranking factors of Google. The low-quality link might be a starting website/blog regaining credibility from scratch which still serve relevant informative content.
Always google gives first priority to the high quality backlinks. If you are getting quality and relevant backlinks to your website then it will be easy to rank your website top in the SERP.
Low-quality blogs may contribute to your SEO, but their links often don't make an impactful contribution and could damage your reputation. Therefore, it's wiser to build high-quality backlinks from authoritative sources within your niche that benefit SEO and build credibility for both audience and search engines alike.