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Full Version: Best way to transfer content to other domain without 301?
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I have one website which i believe might be penalized, maybe because of backlinks or some other offpage related issue, i just can't tell definitely. but content is high quality so i was thinking to move it on another domain, but 301 redirecting will probably pass any penalty that current domain has. What would be best way to move current content so google won't consider it as duplicate?
You could just buy a new domain and put your content in that. Ofcourse you have to re-write them first.

But my question here is how are you so sure that it has been hit by any penalty??!! And if do put your link in a new domain fearing of any penalty. You have to do the SEO work, all from scratch.
If you have bad backlinks then just disavow them through webmasters tool!!

You are panicking way too much. And answer what asked how are you so sure about penalty!
To OP I ask. Apart from links are there something else? That has make you wonder that you were hit by a penalty?
Why OP is obsessed with penalty?