Well I am confused as every now and then I hear this. 'Produce quality content, produce unique content and what not's'.
But in reality terms are very different. How do you guys produce content? I mean I know that good writers schedule their content but that's not what I am talking about. Gathering data, writing it, how do you guys do it?
Producing unique content everytime isn't an easy task at all.
Unique content is relative term here. The way of representing it is the most important thing.
Gather around 10-20 articles about any topic or discussion (only the top ones ofcourse) that catch your eye. Then read them manually to check and see which articles are fruitful. Have actionable and helpful data.
Then just re-write them in your words. You don't have to spin just one article, you can spin as many as you like within one article. In this way you are not only creating helpful articles but also unique in their own way.
Just take a content rewrite it in your own words with your own opinion. Make it realistically readable to viewers and not just an automated one. That's it.
Actually every now and then I hear the same words (unique and quality content) repeated by everybody. So, even though when my knowledge and experience is telling otherwise, I keep judging my own actions.
(07-15-2019, 06:07 AM)abhirupb Wrote: [ -> ]Actually every now and then I hear the same words (unique and quality content) repeated by everybody. So, even though when my knowledge and experience is telling otherwise, I keep judging my own actions.
Then ask yourself this. How are you going to make new unique posts everyday? Is that possible?
Exactly what I am thinking now Brian.