In present day. Do people actually link to another site naturally? Giving away a do-follow link or non no-follow, some may say.
I see lot of webmasters in a lot of forums talking about getting links naturally. But I haven't found any trace or proof of the fact.
More or less its a hoax.
The so called webmasters that you see, saying that. Are the self-proclaimed SEO experts who actually have no idea whatsoever how SEO works.
In present day world?? No.
Even if you get one link than you will see that its no-follow.
People who have no idea about the real SEO will tell you this that you can actually get a link.
Then why do people keep talking about this? I see endless topics and discussions in every forum.
That's the problem with this industry. Its over-flowing by fake professionals.
(06-13-2019, 04:27 PM)jessica21 Wrote: [ -> ]Then why do people keep talking about this? I see endless topics and discussions in every forum.
Because most people are clueless.
Doing SEO using Natural links is rare now a days because most of the time people try to get traffic fast so they use un ethical means which leads them not to follow the search engine rules and regulations but if they caught doing this most of the time they get penalty
(07-08-2019, 11:21 AM)Joe Root Wrote: [ -> ]Doing SEO using Natural links is rare now a days because most of the time people try to get traffic fast so they use un ethical means which leads them not to follow the search engine rules and regulations but if they caught doing this most of the time they get penalty
Who has gotten caught can you name?
People may link but its highly unlikely these days. As all these penalties around, people make their links no-follow by default.