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Full Version: Separate Landing Pages or separate site structure
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I have a query regarding this. Say, if you are selling (or renting) items of weddings. That includes everything from chairs to flowers, everything.

Now here is the dilemma. What should be more favorable to do in terms of SEO and also getting sales? Create separate landing pages for every product or just create separate site parts such as catering division, furniture division, flowers & designs etc?
The thing you must do is stop thinking about what is good for SEO or not. The goal of yours is to get sales or rented whatever so think think about your customers solely. What will be good for them, what will be liked by them or not.

In my opinion. You should have separate site structure but also have soft landing pages for each product. Linking should be a priority here. After renting or buying one product the users will search for related products and what not's so your pages should be optimized in way to represent those.

The best thing here to do is create a rough site structure with landing pages and all. And then create a survey for it. See how it goes with actual people. Make changes accordingly. In this type of sites user experience is all.
I would suggest don't choose between these two. Choose both. Create what needs for your user experience to be pleasant.
I guess I have to build or optimize them accordingly. Thanks, for the help.
You can also build landing pages for categories. Say flowers, or furniture's instead of building lp's for all of them.

Creating separate site structure is also a clever move but they must be properly linked.
(06-11-2019, 04:28 AM)mediamonster Wrote: [ -> ]You can also build landing pages for categories. Say flowers, or furniture's instead of building lp's for all of them.

Creating separate site structure is also a clever move but they must be properly linked.

Just Like I said earlier anything can be suggested. Nothing is going to help OP unless he tries something.
I am trying alright. And I will let you guys know when there will be any further developments.
So far, we have created six division landing pages. All are having good CTR. But as I can see the products are doing great against paid ad campaigns but they are not doing much in organic traffic.
(08-01-2019, 04:34 AM)mikep Wrote: [ -> ]So far, we have created six division landing pages. All are having good CTR. But as I can see the products are doing great against paid ad campaigns but they are not doing much in organic traffic.

Aren't they ranking well? A small difference in rankings can have a major impact on CTR.
They re varying position all over the first and second page. And since the latest google updates the positions are changing like they never did before.
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