I have recently started reading regarding this and I have found that there is no way Google can tell which content is original and which one is not.
And also I have talked to many webmasters they also have stated the fact that a content which is not exactly copied can't be judged in any manner.
All of these comes to the question that is Google's Duplicate Content Penalty a bluff?
More or less, yeah you can say that.
Actually the issue of duplicate content maybe hoax. But the panda itself isn't. It clearly filters low quality and spammy content.
Let me ask you this question. If Google is unable to tell which is the original one then how come its going to detect which is the duplicate.
Google panda catches the duplicate content get puts a penalty on your site. Panda is very strict about spamming content.
no, whenever the bot finds something suspicious like duplicate content , your site will penalised
Duplicate content is being handled by the Google Panda algorithm. As a result, avoid using copied content.
They may be judging the content by timestamp. By which they can get an idea of which is the original one and which one is published later (copied)
(06-30-2022, 06:17 AM)soleseriouss Wrote: [ -> ]They may be judging the content by timestamp. By which they can get an idea of which is the original one and which one is published later (copied)
Actually judging by the time stamp is a completely wrong thing to do.
In this way the wrong information can also get pass it down as a valid and legit one without even regarding the real information.
All we can do is assumption.