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Full Version: Can I track server logs?
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Is it possible that I can track my server log files? So, can I have knowledge about everyone accessing my site.
Yeah, you most certainly can. If your host has provided SSH access to you.
(02-28-2019, 04:48 AM)bpatel Wrote: [ -> ]Is it possible that I can track my server log files? So, can I have knowledge about everyone accessing my site.

Why would you need server logs for?

A simple user tracking tool such as analytics or clicky can track user engagement.
A simple webmaster doesn't need server logs. Unless you are dealing with multiple websites and customers.
It looks like that OP is working on his/ her PBN.
If you don't know how to access it. Then you should contact your hosting provider.

Any VPS or similar server provider that you are using will be happy to help you.
The reason I am doing this because some security tools have suggested that my site is in unsafe server. So, I should track all the logs.
The simplest suggestion will be that tell your hosting provider to change your server. Instead of asking about server logs. Probably they will tell you to upgrade if you ask for server logs.