What are your free traffic generation strategies?? Share.
Well my personal favorites are targeting hard-core keywords, content marketing and social media.
There is no doubt that targeting keywords are a perfect way to generate traffic but sometimes I also really upon stumbleupon and instagram for traffic generation.
Try to target long tail keywords along with do forum posting and guest blogging. They will also generate huge free traffic if you offer value in your articles along with it, you will also gain links.
Try with long tail keywords. Do Guest Posting, Article Syndication and forums.
I Prefer interpersonal organizations and bookmarks
I work with an online instrument that unites the best interpersonal organizations and you can present your article to 50 in the sametime.
like google+, twitter, facebook, pinterest, instagram, and numerous others.
You start to have a decent reputation and great backlinks on some before long.
I love to do Off page SEO and Social media optimization.