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Full Version: When to pitch audience a product?
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Suppose, you started a blog. And after some time you start getting good amount of traffic. If the niche is not so big. Then how pitch time will you take to pitch your own product?
Its when you start generating enough audience and the audience in turn generate enough engagement. it will depend on the size of your niche and competition in the niche as well.
luke18 Wrote:Suppose, you started a blog. And after some time you start getting good amount of traffic. If the niche is not so big. Then how pitch time will you take to pitch your own product?

Share us some details. As said earlier it depends and varies from factor to factor.
If you are confident enough then you shall pitch products right away after starting your blog.
mediadrug Wrote:If you are confident enough then you shall pitch products right away after starting your blog.

I know, I have done it.