12-11-2014, 04:34 AM
You guys will be asking yourself this question 'Why SEO for Forum? Users will come directly'. Yeah that's true but it will only happen if you are a big board or the only single biggest forum in your niche.
Search Engine Optimization may be hard for a forum but if you do it the right way then it will be tremendously advantageous for your board. You will ask 'How?', the answer is that it will send fresh traffic to your site which will actually lead your forum to grow and expand eventually. A few simple steps of SEO along with your day to day updating content can make your board a huge one.
Step 1: Add Title, Meta & keywords option - Many of the forum softwares they does not have any particular option for posting SEO Title, Meta Description and tagged keywords in them in each post. You should add them, it will only take a plugin/extension or mod to do this. In this way your users will be able to add title, meta description and keywords which will eventually help you when this posts are shown in the SERP's.
Step 2: Bot accessibility - Make sure that your each and every forum is well bot accessible. Every forum has option in their respective admin panels where you can manage the accessibility and permissions of members and also Search Spiders, take a look at it and make it bot friendly.
Step 3: Search Engine Submission - Every now and then I encounter this question that 'Forums are always self sustainable for search engines then why we should submit it additionally??'. Yeah that may be true but it is always better to build a prior concrete structure of your site, so when search engine bots came to visit your site they didn't have to wait to find which page to index or not. And this concrete structure can be build by submitting your 'sitemap' to the Search Engines through webmasters tools.
Search Engine Optimization may be hard for a forum but if you do it the right way then it will be tremendously advantageous for your board. You will ask 'How?', the answer is that it will send fresh traffic to your site which will actually lead your forum to grow and expand eventually. A few simple steps of SEO along with your day to day updating content can make your board a huge one.
Step 1: Add Title, Meta & keywords option - Many of the forum softwares they does not have any particular option for posting SEO Title, Meta Description and tagged keywords in them in each post. You should add them, it will only take a plugin/extension or mod to do this. In this way your users will be able to add title, meta description and keywords which will eventually help you when this posts are shown in the SERP's.
Step 2: Bot accessibility - Make sure that your each and every forum is well bot accessible. Every forum has option in their respective admin panels where you can manage the accessibility and permissions of members and also Search Spiders, take a look at it and make it bot friendly.
Step 3: Search Engine Submission - Every now and then I encounter this question that 'Forums are always self sustainable for search engines then why we should submit it additionally??'. Yeah that may be true but it is always better to build a prior concrete structure of your site, so when search engine bots came to visit your site they didn't have to wait to find which page to index or not. And this concrete structure can be build by submitting your 'sitemap' to the Search Engines through webmasters tools.