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What is Grey Hat SEO? Is it legal to use this technique?
The fine line between white and black. If you techniques then use them just don't tell anyone that you are doing it.
Gray Hat SEO is an SEO practice that's riskier than White Hat SEO, but one that may or may not result in your site being banned from search engines and their affiliate sites. Generally, Gray Hat SEO practices belong in neither the Black Hat nor White Hat category because the terms of service regarding the issue are unclear.
Thanks for the reply. It clearly shows that most of us also doing the grey hat seo.
Grey Hat SEO is one of the techniques of Search Engine Optimization. It lies between the White hat seo and Black hat seo. White hat SEO refers to any practice that improves your search rankings on a search engine results page while maintaining the integrity of the website. Grey Hat SEO is an SEO practice that's riskier than White Hat SEO.
Grey Hat SEO is the practice of using technically legal methods to improve your site rankings, but which are ethically dubious, and could one day become black hat. Think of it like legal highs.
The Grey Hat techniques are a combination of Black Hat SEO techniques and white hat SEO techniques.
This is consists of techniques such as:
Purchasing old domains
Duplicate content
Link buying
Social media automation and purchasing followers.
Grey hat SEO techniques are a combination of black hat and white hat seo techniques. Let us understand this by an example: link building comes under white hat seo and search engine considers it best to rank. But link spamming comes under black hat seo which search engine hate. So, grey hat seo is creating links and stopping them before it comes in link spamming.
Grey Hat SEO Follows both White Hat Seo & Black Hat Seo
Grey hat seo is a combination of white hat seo and black hat seo. Grey hat seo is more likely to create more links in large scale. Using grey hat technique can give your website high penalties.