Everybody now-a-days uses Social Media for daily outreach, to get conversions etc. Is this methods really help to achieve your monthly or yearly goals??
This is a very interesting topic you have got here. A few days from now I am getting this kind of questions that is it worthy to
use social media to achieve the targeted goal?
The answer to this question in my opinion is that definitely social media does not totally help you to reach out your sales margin limit but still helps immensely to get you there.
motionz Wrote:This is a very interesting topic you have got here. A few days from now I am getting this kind of questions that is it worthy to
use social media to achieve the targeted goal?
The answer to this question in my opinion is that definitely social media does not totally help you to reach out your sales margin limit but still helps immensely to get you there.
I totally agree with admin. Social Media does not entirely makes our goals accomplished but they help tremendously. Proper outreach through various social media channels helps you to reach to the actual audience which gets you conversions.