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Full Version: Difference between future and completablefuture
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The Future API was introduced in Java 5 to reference the result of an asynchronous computation. However, it didn't have any methods to combine computations or handle errors.

The CompletableFuture class was introduced in Java 8. It implements the Future and CompletionStage interfaces, and provides a set of methods for creating, chaining, and combining multiple Futures.
(09-17-2024, 07:23 AM)charlesprabhu Wrote: [ -> ]Future
The Future API was introduced in Java 5 to reference the result of an asynchronous computation. However, it didn't have any methods to combine computations or handle errors.
The CompletableFuture class was introduced in Java 8. It implements the Future and CompletionStage interfaces, and provides a set of methods for creating, chaining, and combining multiple Futures.

Do you often use it for asynchronous programming? Any favorite methods or use cases?