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Full Version: Factor on which Call To Action depends
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People spend much money investing in building squeeze pages. But still there are not much of conversions it often happens. So, I am asking to experts here what are the factors that depends on it?
So, I am guessing you have lost money too. Call to action are a piece of art. It does not depends on the amount of money or resource you spend. Here are some factors that I can think of right now.

- Headline are the most important part. Send a clear message to your audience saying 'Free Stuff' or whatever offer you are offering them.

- A clear short description of your service or product. So that your audience can get a quick glimpse of your stuff.

- A very distinctive and noticeable call to action button. So, that if your users are interested then they can take a quick step.

- Highlight all the features of your product and show them how they are going to be benefited by it.

Sometime, people get good call to action from one landing page. And they keep it forever. This might also be a problem. See people gets bored quite easily so its evident that you change your landing page and call to action page once a while.
Although there are many factors that a call to action may depend on. But I personally think that the call to action button depends a lot. A good visible call to action is always necessary if you want a good CTR.
I personally think the entire call to action page is responsible and not just the call to action button. But anyway nice information guys.
I agree that CTA pushes your ad one step further but with better targeting it will lead to good CR
marka3441 Wrote:I agree that CTA pushes your ad one step further but with better targeting it will lead to good CR

What actually you are implying here?