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Full Version: Google SERP Changes & Algorithm Updates - August 2024
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(08-25-2024, 02:52 PM)vk_lord Wrote: [ -> ]Are you guys seeing a sudden rush in UK traffic?

It looks like the update is taking turn for the 4th time.

This year UK traffic is very uneven. Can't say anything for specific. For some it might look like a rush but for others they won't see anything.
In eCommerce everything is quite actually. Traffic is down in EU front.
Keywords are fluctuating even now.
But it's their normal fluctuations not because of any updates.
(08-27-2024, 02:45 PM)abhirupb Wrote: [ -> ]Keywords are fluctuating even now.
But it's their normal fluctuations not because of any updates.

Apart from all hocus focus yes everything is normal as it seems.
Traffic is coming back this week. But it is slow on recovery.

So, far 8% has returned.
(08-28-2024, 02:51 PM)Cathyt Wrote: [ -> ]Traffic is coming back this week. But it is slow on recovery.

So, far 8% has returned.

Atleast you are seeing recovery. Be wise and be happy with it. Wink Big Grin
Many of our sites are not even showing raw good data via GA. We are using other options but with so many bots and AI even we are confused right now about the real numbers.

Adsense is a whole other being in this.
(08-29-2024, 02:45 PM)cbtech Wrote: [ -> ]Many of our sites are not even showing raw good data via GA. We are using other options but with so many bots and AI even we are confused right now about the real numbers.

Adsense is a whole other being in this.

G has a way to bounce back. Give it time.
Google is now giving away reviews of products in the SERP's.
(08-30-2024, 02:49 PM)avinash Wrote: [ -> ]Google is now giving away reviews of products in the SERP's.

It's not only garbage. But also it is violation of so many moral codes. That my head feels dizzy.
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