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Full Version: Datalix Review
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Have one of their game servers for 6 months now. Haven't faced any issue really. Although I think they lack datacenters world wide. When I travel their speed isn't regular, loading time and uptimes differ a little. Which will not be a problem for many. But for those who travel it cane be pretty hectic.
(07-10-2024, 05:07 AM)darca24 Wrote: [ -> ]Have one of their game servers for 6 months now. Haven't faced any issue really. Although I think they lack datacenters world wide. When I travel their speed isn't regular, loading time and uptimes differ a little. Which will not be a problem for many. But for those who travel it cane be pretty hectic.

They lack dc's alright.

Haven't heard any problem from them. Our company and myself have run a lot of servers with them and also still doing so arguing on that.