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Full Version: Does a Premium Domain help you rank better?
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Do they? I am really curious about it.
No, not really unless you get a domain which is already well known. Even though saying it can help rank better is a very far fetched thing.

In general they have no effect whatsoever.
(05-15-2024, 01:23 PM)host_user Wrote: [ -> ]Do they? I am really curious about it.

What kind of premium domain anyway?

A normal TLD will have zero effect no SEO.
Sure thing! Having a premium domain like ผลบอลสด can definitely give your site a boost in search rankings, especially if it includes relevant keywords for your content. It not only makes your website easier to remember but also signals to search engines what your site is all about. Plus, a catchy domain can attract more clicks from search results, which tells search engines that users find your site valuable. However, SEO is about more than just the domain name; you'll still need great content and a solid SEO strategy to rank well in the long run.
Employing a premium domain name enhances your online prominence, making it a prudent move for your website's identity.