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Currently, many people are using Quora as a Content Marketing platform to promote their online business and/or site. Is it truly that great and worth it that much time & effort?
Quora is a better platform then Yahoo answers. And I personally think that too. In my opinion if you think that you can provide good information in your niche that can help people then you should go for it. It may take some time (to build a good profile)to build trust but the in turn it will bring back quality targeted traffic to your site.
Quora can be used as a content marketing platform. As the visitors in it are really good audience. But just like 'batman' said you have to build your profile first. Get a good profile picture and start answering queries that actually help people.
I think you should start a blog purely from a content marketing perspective linked to your/brand/product/business. Use this blog to bring your prospects and customers value laden information without shoving who you are down their throat. This is content marketing, NOT straight-up-old-school-marketing where you just hammer away at why you guys are the 'best' and people should give you their money.
I think different platforms have their own advantages and disadvantages. Twitter requires very little content and is perfect for piecemeal information.So Quora is the best content marketing platform.
Quora is the best platform for content marketing in which you can create your blog and also participate in Questions & Answers activity