I am thinking about having an iOS iPhone, iPad, and Android app for my community. I have had some requests from users because they think it will be easier to talk to the other members, ask questions and view various content I create.
Does anyone have their own iOS and Android app for their community?
Well, I run a couple of communities but I haven't considered this fact. Its good but needs money unless the community is large enough and growing at steady rate. Which is rare.
Give some more specifications about your community such as no. of members, no. of active members, visits, posts per day etc.
I had several points which are important to me.
1 - First I needed my own app with real time chat and private messaging including the ability to send push notifications that can be downloaded from the app stores by my users and seen in mobile (all versions) so I narrowed down the search for chat room app solutions..
2 - I needed a design to include my images, I needed my background to be black or transparent and completely white label with my logo.
3 - I do not like to install the chat in my server as this is high cpu and resource consumer. So I need a complete cloud chat service.
4 - Lastly, I needed the ability to add youtube videos, have users private message me, and have my own app account system.
I have checked several app builders and only 1 met my needs, Chatwing.
I choose Chatwing finally as it has real time messaging built in and can be custom branded as my own app plus can be integrated into my web page.
If you know some well experienced developer you can consult their work and talk about you contract agreement for the job.
just tested the chatwing app builder and can confirm the app wizard available makes it straightforward to create an app. nice feature, the app supports Google admob ads so you can display banner ads and make money.