I want to get premium traffic for my blog you know the kind of traffic that has good engagement rate. I am thinking about using facebook ads. But still I am bit of confused about running a campaign with them as their settings are too many such as demographics, interest etc. If anybody can give me some information about getting good traffic then I will appreciate it.
Just for a blog that needs good traffic I think fb is not suitable as people often blow out their money trying to invest in them. And if you do invest then you will have to be very careful I will suggest that you consult a good PPC manager.
bpatel Wrote:I want to get premium traffic for my blog you know the kind of traffic that has good engagement rate. I am thinking about using facebook ads.
It would be great if natural traffic from your new and regular visitors in the blog but it will take time by providing interesting and beneficial content post for the users.
Fb is after all a social networking site you can target any audience but they will be serious kind of audience that is not sure. So, if you are willing to invest then you should go for Google Adwords.