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Full Version: Putting Keywords in general Tags
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Is putting keywords in general tags worth it? I mean along side with meta and head description. Am I going to get effected for high Keyword Density?
Yeah, you can put them its totally safe.
SEO is essential to the success of most websites, and how you use your keywords is a big contributing factor to that success.
You should really know when to use your keywords remember that it has an effect ob SEO.
mman29 Wrote:Is putting keywords in general tags worth it? I mean along side with meta and head description. Am I going to get effected for high Keyword Density?

Keyword density only applies within the content and the recommended is 2 to 3% to avoid keyword stuffing. In meta tags your keyword must include along with interesting title and description.
<H1> heading </H1>
<H2> subheading A</H2>
<H2> subheading B</H2>
<H3> lower subheading </H3>
Thanks for the info guys. Wink
Yes it is good to focus for keywords but it should not be exceeded.
Yes, why not, you can put.
Its Safe that is not count in keywords stuffing. You can put your keywords in meta tag heading tag, body text content and more but make sure that you use once or twice in meta tag and always remember that keywords density for body text content.