If h1 Tags are not present in a page. Then what should be considered as the h1 tag?
The page actually have an infograph in it and I cannot put anything else along with it. It will clearly create friction with the alt texts.
To my understanding anything that is present between the <title></title> of the page or within the <head></head>, will be considered as the H1 tag by default.
You don't have to put it separately.
If H1 is missing, Nothing will be considered as H1.
If H1 is missing, a site having a title tag will be okay.
Your H1 Should Describe the Topic of Your Page
At the most basic level, the H1 should describe what the content is all about. Often, the H1 tag will be similar or the same as your title tag. Usually, the H1 tag will be the title of your blog post or article.
Hey, how did you come on this observation?
Because I have seen it in my own site.

If H1 isn't there, Title should be there. and H1 should be defined in order to get better results.
See it is a way to use H-tags as our heading must be on H1 tags. It looks good in a systematic way. If you are saying that there is no h1 tag present, then I think you have to check further options or automatically become h1. Yeah, sometimes it happened to me also. So don't worry and have a try on it.
Your H1 Tag (or title tag for that matter) should be the title of your website if you are specifying it on your home page. The headline of an article is usually the first fragment of the text that the reader sees. Moreover, it's said that 80% of users read headlines, but only 20% go on to read the rest of the text.