I am totally new to affiliate marketing. I have been suggested by other webmasters that I have to create a website first and then I have to promote affiliate products in it. If I get sales then I will income commission. I am a bit lost here. I know that basic blogs are made by wordpress site and I have to buy hosting, then what? If anybody will guide me here then I will be grateful.
Don't hurry and panic. Affiliate Marketing is not that easy. At first you have to choose a niche or a product. I will suggest that you go for an entire then so then you can promote more then one product in it.
Once you have chosen a niche you have to get a proper domain name doing keyword research and get hosting for it. You can take basic shared hosting packages from any good hosting company such as bluehost or hostgator etc. Once you have set up a website then you have to build content and promote them. When you will be started getting traffic and build an good loyal audience then you can promote affiliate products in it.
I will suggest you to get a good affiliate book first. Read it, know the tips and turn and then invest money and time in it. Good luck.
If you are not really into spending money for your affiliate products at first and also afraid that you will loose then you can also try Social Media Sites. They are a good alternative of building sites. Join groups or create your own groups gather a followers base and start promoting your affiliate products.