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Restricting Guest's Viewing
Is it really a good idea for forum admins to restrict the viewing of different sub-forums for guests?? I mean that if guests can view everything without signing up then why they will join the forum.
It is a pretty good thing that if guest's sees everything then they are more likely to join. As, it increases your trust score very much. But that's my opinion truly. If you have any sub-forum which delivers services in exchange of money, credit or something else then you can surely hide it. There is no wrong with that.
Guest viewing is very much necessary of you want to get more and more sign ups. If they are not able to see then why they will join your forum. Ask yourself the question.
Quote:It is a pretty good thing that if guest's sees everything then they are more likely to join. As, it increases your trust score very much. But that's my opinion truly. If you have any sub-forum which delivers services in exchange of money, credit or something else then you can surely hide it. There is no wrong with that.
I agree with you. But that only if the forum is already well popular, if its new then this theory is not applicable.

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