Joined: Dec 2013
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What are methods that you guys prefer to attract more and more professionals through linkedin to your site or online business?? It is a good source of getting targeted audience without any problem, so please share your views.
Joined: Jul 2013
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The basic methods of attracting more professional through linkedin are:
1. Post content that actually helps other. try to avoid unnecessary posts that actually does not add value.
2. Give content update with images. Posts having images have far more CTR then just plain text updates.
3. Join groups of your niche and post interesting discussions, topics etc. Always try to trigger conversation.
4. Send direct messages to professional. Interact with them personally. Invite them to your site.
5. Endorse other professionals and appreciate their previous work. try to gain their trust.
6. When anybody connects with you greet them and also put a link of your site in the message. Ask them kindly to visit your site and share their feedbacks etc.
Joined: Sep 2013
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Post content that worth for not only other professionals but also to the entire industry of yours. After producing any service or product or content to the industry ask the professionals for their review. In this way you may get some negative feedbacks also along with the positive ones but it will increase tremendously the trust of yours as a professional very much.