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Best Free Autoresponder
Which is the best free autoresponder in the market?
In my opinion it will be 'Mailchimp'
zeus Wrote:In my opinion it will be 'Mailchimp'

Apart from MailChimp 'Sendfree' & 'Freefollowup' are also good ones.
Benchmark Email, Vertical Response are also good. Actually non one can say what's best for you. You have to give them a try and see which one suits you.
The best free Autoresponders are:
1. Drip.
2. ConvertKit.
3. AWeber.
4. GetResponse.
5. MailChimp.
6. ActiveCampaign.
sirishasiri Wrote:The best free Autoresponders are:
1. Drip.
2. ConvertKit.
3. AWeber.
4. GetResponse.
5. MailChimp.
6. ActiveCampaign.

Aweber isn't free.

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