02-02-2016, 06:48 AM
This question I am hearing from many website owners that 'What not to do while building a Link'. Often site admins left with spamming their own link base while trying to build links aggresively. So getting to the point here are some points that I want to point out for them.
1. Building Links through Blog commenting
Beleive it or not. Commenting on other blogs try to get a link for you site is not going to get you ranked. Most of the people think that links from comments are useful but they are actually not. Most of the blogs give you a no-follow link and the ones which gives do-follow they are basically of zero value.
I am not saying that you should not comment on blogs but I am saying this just don't do it for links. If you like some article and you think that you can add some value in it then comment. Put your site's url in the website section along with your full name. If the visitors of the host blog like what you added then probably you will get some referral traffic.
2. Building Links through Forum Posting
Forum or online communities are strictly for gathring and sharing information. They are not for building links. They are just like blog commenting most forums provide no-follow links and the ones which does give do-follow they dont' have any link juice.
Forum Marketing can be done. Share information with the members, add useful information, help them. You can build a solid trust in your community and make your brand glaze like a diamond. They can send you a ton of traffic if you play it well.
3. Getting Links from irrelevant niche
Trying to build links agrresively is not a bad thing but it must be done right. Getting links from every niche that you can get is not going to get you ranked. They will provide no value to your link base. And even worse they can get you red flagged in the eyes of serach engines. In this age of Google Penguin Algorithm if once your ranks fell then it may take months to get you rank back. It may also occur that you never get your rank back.
4. Irrelevant Anckor texts
Everybody is trying to get textual links now. Putting an anchor text which is not at all relevant to the surrounding content or page is not going to work at all. You must put an anchor text which is similar or relevant to the hosting page. You may get some referral tarffic but it will provide no link juice. And also not to mention serach engines are not going to like it at all.
5. Anchor text ok but the linking page is not
You must keep this always in mind that your anchor text may be relevant to the hosting page but this is not the entire scenario. The page which you are linking to also have to be relevant to the hosting page and anchor text both. Otherwise, the serach engines are going to see this as you are trying to manipulate their SERP's.
6. Link Wheel or Link Exchange
Always avoid the link wheel or link exchange methods of link building. They may have worked a few years back but now no way. Search Engines are going to find out about it and you will loose your rankings.
7. Hiring a SEO Firm without getting any information about them
Many webmasters do this mistake. They meet some guy in the forums or social media communites and randomly they hire them. I don't mean that they will steal your money and work nothing although it may happen. What I am saying is that without judging their work closely it will be a mistake. See their previous works. How they operate whether they build links manually or just use any robot. Links acquired manually are good but by robots are bad.
8. Submitting to too much directories
Directory submission is not bad as not all directories are bad. Sites like Dmoz are good. Submit your site to those directories only which are most reputable. Too much dirtectory submission is not necessary as maximum directories which can be found over the internet are of no use. And also not to mention too much submission can get you links from irrelevant sources which will impact your SERP's negatively.
9. Links from Low Quality Guest Posts
Links from Low Quality Guest posts may not harm your present rankings but they still provide zero value to the your link base. A link from a quality post which has been published in a well know reputable blog is much more better then hundred links from low quality posts. And if the guest post got hit by Google's Panda Algorithm then it may lower your present rankings also.
10. Purchased Links
Always avoid purchasing links. All of them may be not bad but I have seen that they become dead after a some time.
Instead of purchasing links invest your money in a good content writer, add quality material to your posts and then submit it to a reputable blog in your niche. You will get a steady and long lasting link juice from it.
I hope that it helps everybody. Feel free to correct me or add some information anytime.
1. Building Links through Blog commenting
Beleive it or not. Commenting on other blogs try to get a link for you site is not going to get you ranked. Most of the people think that links from comments are useful but they are actually not. Most of the blogs give you a no-follow link and the ones which gives do-follow they are basically of zero value.
I am not saying that you should not comment on blogs but I am saying this just don't do it for links. If you like some article and you think that you can add some value in it then comment. Put your site's url in the website section along with your full name. If the visitors of the host blog like what you added then probably you will get some referral traffic.
2. Building Links through Forum Posting
Forum or online communities are strictly for gathring and sharing information. They are not for building links. They are just like blog commenting most forums provide no-follow links and the ones which does give do-follow they dont' have any link juice.
Forum Marketing can be done. Share information with the members, add useful information, help them. You can build a solid trust in your community and make your brand glaze like a diamond. They can send you a ton of traffic if you play it well.
3. Getting Links from irrelevant niche
Trying to build links agrresively is not a bad thing but it must be done right. Getting links from every niche that you can get is not going to get you ranked. They will provide no value to your link base. And even worse they can get you red flagged in the eyes of serach engines. In this age of Google Penguin Algorithm if once your ranks fell then it may take months to get you rank back. It may also occur that you never get your rank back.
4. Irrelevant Anckor texts
Everybody is trying to get textual links now. Putting an anchor text which is not at all relevant to the surrounding content or page is not going to work at all. You must put an anchor text which is similar or relevant to the hosting page. You may get some referral tarffic but it will provide no link juice. And also not to mention serach engines are not going to like it at all.
5. Anchor text ok but the linking page is not
You must keep this always in mind that your anchor text may be relevant to the hosting page but this is not the entire scenario. The page which you are linking to also have to be relevant to the hosting page and anchor text both. Otherwise, the serach engines are going to see this as you are trying to manipulate their SERP's.
6. Link Wheel or Link Exchange
Always avoid the link wheel or link exchange methods of link building. They may have worked a few years back but now no way. Search Engines are going to find out about it and you will loose your rankings.
7. Hiring a SEO Firm without getting any information about them
Many webmasters do this mistake. They meet some guy in the forums or social media communites and randomly they hire them. I don't mean that they will steal your money and work nothing although it may happen. What I am saying is that without judging their work closely it will be a mistake. See their previous works. How they operate whether they build links manually or just use any robot. Links acquired manually are good but by robots are bad.
8. Submitting to too much directories
Directory submission is not bad as not all directories are bad. Sites like Dmoz are good. Submit your site to those directories only which are most reputable. Too much dirtectory submission is not necessary as maximum directories which can be found over the internet are of no use. And also not to mention too much submission can get you links from irrelevant sources which will impact your SERP's negatively.
9. Links from Low Quality Guest Posts
Links from Low Quality Guest posts may not harm your present rankings but they still provide zero value to the your link base. A link from a quality post which has been published in a well know reputable blog is much more better then hundred links from low quality posts. And if the guest post got hit by Google's Panda Algorithm then it may lower your present rankings also.
10. Purchased Links
Always avoid purchasing links. All of them may be not bad but I have seen that they become dead after a some time.
Instead of purchasing links invest your money in a good content writer, add quality material to your posts and then submit it to a reputable blog in your niche. You will get a steady and long lasting link juice from it.
I hope that it helps everybody. Feel free to correct me or add some information anytime.
• avinash, BadboyGame, bracknelson, jack_samuel, jahnvi arora, JohnDoe247938, jusin541, lawyersonia, motionz, rasel758220, vk_lord