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Transitioning to mobile SEO
It’s finally happened; more than 50% of US adults now have a smartphone. According to the Pew Research Center, the exact figure is 56% up from 35% just two years ago. As the number of smartphone users continues to increase dramatically, more and more business owners are looking to take their business mobile. Remember, if you’re not optimizing your business for smartphones and other mobile devices, you’re missing out on a significant opportunity: 8% of all web traffic and 30% of web searches originate from mobile devices. Here are eight mobile SEO tips to help you capitalize on this golden opportunity.

Shorter keywords

Keyword research is just as important to mobile SEO as it is to traditional SEO. However, it’s important to keep in mind that in the mobile world, everything is condensed; it’s short and sweet. It’s the same with mobile search. Mobile users are less likely to type in long keywords and phrases from their tiny screens. Remember that when conducting keyword research.

Make connections

Just as with traditional SEO, it’s important to have links in your mobile content. Make sure you’re connected with the right directories so that mobile users are finding on clicking on links that will take you to your mobile website.

Be social

Social media accounts for a significant amount of time spent on mobile devices. People like to remain connected to the social world wherever they go. It’s critical that business owners integrate their mobile channel with their social media channel. Include share buttons on your mobile site. Maintain a social media presence.

Don’t worry about URLs

Many businesses that have a mobile site and a regular website worry that by diverting mobile traffic to a different URL they negatively affect the traffic and ranking on their main site. Google has cleared up the confusion by announcing that they have the technology to differentiate between the two sites so you’re ranking won’t be negatively impacted.

Relevant, concise content

No amount of mobile SEO will improve your reputation if the content itself isn’t relevant. Also, just as with keywords, remember to keep it concise. People are less likely to read through big blocks of texts on a 4-inch screen.

Independent mobile site

Many business owners are tempted to make their mobile site an exact copy of their regular website. It’s important to know that many components that work on the regular site won’t work as well on a mobile device. Focus on making the mobile site simple and easy to navigate.

Consider responsive web design

A fast-growing trend in mobile marketing is responsive web design. The huge advantage here is that rather than start from scratch with your mobile site, responsive web design automatically adjusts your website to optimize it for each mobile device being used to access it. It can adjust for screen size, operating system, and other factors.

Use Mobile SEO tools

Mobile has its own set of tools when it comes to SEO. Use them. Rely on these tools to conduct mobile analytics and fine tune your mobile marketing strategies.

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Nice post mate. I loved it.
I 100% agree with you and due to this most website development & designing is compulsory to be responsive. A responsive website is only a single solution to open the website on any device and browser. In future the quantity of the mobile users will be increase very fast. ....

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