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What is the Important in SEO ? - Printable Version

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Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - DenialClark - 05-31-2017

Thanks dear for this information.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - daica85 - 06-08-2017

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) - including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.
It is common practice for Internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks in a search is essential for directing more traffic toward the site. The higher a website naturally ranks in organic results of a search, the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user.

SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine. SEO is typically a set of "white hat" best practices that webmasters and Web content producers follow to help them achieve a better ranking in search engine results.

You can go to Google and search any term about SEO, you will get the results as you want to learn.

Good luck to you,

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - wittycookie - 06-09-2017

Today, only the smartest search engine optimizers with latest SEO techniques and strategies, and the best content writers reach the pedestal where they are the number one hit on the SERPs.

Here are some solid local SEO tactics you can use this year to help your business rank higher for local search terms.

1. Your website should be mobile friendly.
2. Making the content and pages presented both in mobile and
desktop versions the Same.
3. Make your website Super Fast.
4. Google My Business: Claim and optimize.
5. Switch to HTTP to HTTPS.
6. Your website should be supported to voice searches.
7. Use local structured data markup.
8. Link building: Keep quality in mind not quantity.
9. Use high-quality content for your website.
10. Make a strong presence in social media.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - Antonio - 06-13-2017

Not sure what you mean to ask but I assume it's about the important aspects in SEO. Generally we only have 2 aspects On-page SEO and Off-page SEO: On-page specialize in optimizing our sites, while Off-page SEO focusing on getting rank and traffic from outside sources.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - VinBoris - 06-13-2017

Both on page and off page optimization is relatively important in SEO for getting result for your website and to achieve main purpose of your website, which is sale.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - nishantaaru - 06-24-2017

Basically SEO is of two types ON Page SEO & OFF Page SEO.
ON Page SEO are keyword research, competitors analysis, title tags, meta tags, alt tags, image optimization, URL Structure, robot.txt file.
OFF Page SEO are Guest posting, Forum posting, Article Submission, Blog Submission, Blog Commenting, Video Submission, Web 2.0, Microblogging, PPT & PDF Submission.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - manishram88 - 10-06-2017

Thank you for asking this question.
SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization
Importance of SEO are as follow:-
1) SEO provide ranking of your website in top of search engine result page.
2)SEO helps in increasing the visibility of your website online
3)SEO provide Traffic to your website.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - Erick_Lopez - 10-12-2017

All aspects about SEO is important!

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - afeefa360 - 11-20-2017

on page and off page are most important in seo also backlinks and contenet important.

Re: What is the Important in SEO ? - Lucas Goldie - 11-24-2017

My name is Lucas Goldie and I want to know that, what is the important of SEO and new ways of SEO in Digital Marketing .